By Kumar Rahul & Sumedh Chaudhry
According to the economists, market equilibrium defines the efficient
situation in any market. However it is not guaranteed that it will
provide amenities to the poorest section of the masses. Similar
analogy applies to the Housing sector anywhere in world. Therefore the
outcome is sprouting of slums in cities, houses being built shabbily
and uninhabitable settlements. Thus arises a few basic questions :
• How can organic, self-built slums be turned into livable housing?
• What might a house-for-the-poor look like?
• How can world-class engineering and design capabilities be utilized
to solve the problem?
• What reverse-innovation lessons might be learned by the participants
in such a project?
• How could the poor afford to buy this house?
A possible solution may be $ 300 house which should have the following
1. Livable housing
2. Look and feel
3. World class design
4. A house of one’s own : affordability
According to the economists, market equilibrium defines the efficient
situation in any market. However it is not guaranteed that it will
provide amenities to the poorest section of the masses. Similar
analogy applies to the Housing sector anywhere in world. Therefore the
outcome is sprouting of slums in cities, houses being built shabbily
and uninhabitable settlements. Thus arises a few basic questions :
• How can organic, self-built slums be turned into livable housing?
• What might a house-for-the-poor look like?
• How can world-class engineering and design capabilities be utilized
to solve the problem?
• What reverse-innovation lessons might be learned by the participants
in such a project?
• How could the poor afford to buy this house?
A possible solution may be $ 300 house which should have the following
1. Livable housing
2. Look and feel
3. World class design
4. A house of one’s own : affordability
there is a ngo who offers houses for like 50 dollar. maybe you can expand their business model