- inertia need not always be negative, some times it could even be positive, when core values are involved, inertia may symbolise willingness to maintain the identity and coherence in the wake of opportunities to do otherwise
- most students interviewed by amit and atul blamed others for their inertia, but as shown later, there could be endogenous reasons for inertia as well, perhaps for more importnat reasons,
- an interesting point was made in response to presentation: while education, technology and institutions were all moving in sync with globalisation, only culture was acting as a counteracting force. This led to a very intense discussion about which kind of cultural tendencies showed greater inertia, progressive or conservative?
- "easier to control zealots, than a thinking person", was a point that has stayed with me, is that why, greater cohesion among zealots,
- only few saw the link between inertia and the way a single incident trigger a massive political change overcoming decades of inertia in Tunisia ( why only a few knew, i am still not sure...)
- ankita and shantanu presented several videos to show how culture of resistance to change was reinforced by inertia ( and vice versa); when desperation drives innovation, does social networking, ( or too much of it) prevents desperation to arise, by providing release of pressure too often and too easily, led to lot of discussion.
- did innovation happend when choices of exit were excluded!
- why did ball point take 50 years to diffuse because the right kind of ink came about then, ( a la long nose of innovation)
- inertia limits the freedom to imagine, is it then a sign of complacence
- prithika and avinass felt that many times, inertia was not observed by those suffering from it. a very good point was how inertia in the stability phase of the innovation cycle might in fact be worthwhile
- when one has rejected bad choices, inertia is overcome, on a learning curve, is it a stage of adaptation or fast learning?
- resistance plus inertia , they felt led to failure. But then there was a lot of discussion on thsi relationship. paulo Freire's pedagogy of oppressed was recalled in this regard' ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogy_of_the_Oppressed ) ;
- pathological routines might influence the information processing time...
- they criticised use of indicator like number of journals as an indicator of vibrance of educational system by Sibal, HRD minister.
- anushree and karthik looked at german example of developing an inovation system for main frame computer and why they failed because of lack of complimentary eco-system;
- the video on demise of electric car was an eloquent example of how inertia occurred not only because of lack of an innovation but because vested interests prevented that inovations to succeed
- they made another forceful point about need to avoid seeing similar linear path of innovations in every society, Inca's example (www.worldlingo.com/ma/enwiki/en/Incan_architecture ), they had roads but no wheel, because they did not have draught animals,
- they followed it up with a lucid discussion on open and closed innovation system; it triggered a lot of useful discussion,
- i hope others will share their own learning and insights, additional references, side links to new videos and any question that they think did not get addressed properly
welcome, looking forward to learn form you,
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