Thursday, July 5, 2012

Organic Products

Project Plan
Many of the grass root innovations and ideas emerging in our nation, if properly assisted with further support like financial help and other softer aspects, will potentially become invaluable assets to the nation. The support and confidence we extend to such initiatives would also result in more and more ideas and innovations. As part of our CINE project we are planning to assist some organic products from Sristi (Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions) by developing a marketing strategy in order to improve trials and the repurchase rates among the public.

SRISTI Products
SRISTI is a nonprofit organization set up to help grass root innovators who focus on developing eco-friendly solutions and products. SRITI products can be broadly classified into five groups: Food Products, Herbal Agro Products, Human Products, Veterinary Products, and Herbal Extracts. Herbal Agro Products help farmers to improve the productivity of crops and also reduce the costs by avoiding or reducing the consumption of pesticides and fertilizers. The products for human help in dealing with common diseases like eczema, and have pain relieving ointments, gels for cracked skin etc.  SRISTI’s herbal veterinary formulations can be used as dietary supplements as well as alternative medicine for the animals.

Marketing Plan for the Products
Before formulating the marketing plan for the products, we would study and understand the market for these products. Preliminary interviews and surveys would be conducted to understand the general perception and usage behavior of organic products. These processes would be held both before and after the exposure to organic products, so as to study and understand any alteration in perceptions and behavior with reference to them. It is also planned to provide samples of these products at the Students Mess of IIMA which satisfy the dual purpose of both creating awareness among the IIMA community about these products, as well as in helping to get a feel of the market through the community’s feedback. The initial study will also focus on buying and usage behavior by groups from different geographic locations and also across different age groups. The results help us to identify the expectations of people from such products and also help in analyzing the reasons for people’s choice in either buying the product or not buying it.
In the second stage of the project, we will develop a holistic marketing plan aimed at improving the initial trial as well as sustaining the sale of organic products among different groups.

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