Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Juggle Street – Online competency sharing portal
Manisha Masoom, Varun Khanna, Mathieu Morand, Nirav Mahajan
Every individual is gifted and has a competency that is above average. At the same time, every individual wants to acquire new competencies every day.  For a person who knows four different musical instruments, he might want to learn the basics of computer, and an expert coder might want to learn playing guitar. The Juggle street is a platform that brings such individuals together and provides them a network to not only showcase their skills and teach someone the basics of their competency, but also learn new skills that are otherwise expensive to learn or difficult to pick by going through self-help tutorials.
The Concept
The Juggle works on 2 sections:

1.       Juggle street
a.       Take-a-peep street (Free for all)
In the free for all section, anyone who wishes to contribute to the community by helping underprivileged or deserving students, can enlist their skills (teaching, music, painting, first-aid, CPR). The platform will invite NGOs that can express their interest in a particular member and then they can mutually chalk out an action plan on how the member is going to contribute
b.      Ticket-for-entry street (Paid enlistment)
Professionals who earn their livelihood by teaching their skills to others can pay an amount and get enlisted on the portal. If they wish to avail discounts on the enlistment, they can contribute to the “Free for all” section.
c.       Barter street
Here people can express interest in learning a specific skill in return for teaching the other person something that he is well versed with. There will be a credit system, wherein a user who is not good at anything will be taught something in return for credits, and the user would have to cover that by contributing to the Free for all. The other person who has positive credit can use it to learn something or keep accumulating them. The accumulated credits can then be used to buy something from the portal’s gift section that has items prepared by Self-help groups and NGOs. The items can be purchased by the portal from the income generated from the paid advertisements.
At the same time, there will be a tie up with local academies and art centers to provide discount offers to individuals with a minimum amount of credit, in exchange for their advertisement on the portal.

2.       Take-a-walk street (Self-help repository)
There are more than a million videos on youtube, but fairly unorganized in nature. There is a lack of one common repository where information liked videos, papers, PDF documents are present and can help an individual pick up a skill on his/her own. The take-a-walk street will be a platform where users can upload useful information related to a particular skill for others to view. Based on the views, and rating by others, uploader will receive credits.

1 comment:

  1. you may also see
    Australian portal
