Friday, January 28, 2011

Innovative Advertising

In todays world we are bombarded with thousands of  new products and hence the advertisements accompanying them. Thus for each product category, the consumer needs to take a decision and thus choose amongst the large number of alternatives available. And this buying decision is impacted by a number of variables  with advertising being one of the major ones. Thus from a marketers point of view it becomes imperative as to how as an advertiser can he/she make advertisements that leave a lasting impact on the minds of the consumer. An example being the BMWs flash advertisement (

Thus what we are looking for is exploring such techniques and ways which helps a marketer to leave a lasting impact of his/her brand on the consumer.

Anurag Goyal & Vineet Karhail


  1. Also look into projection mapping for advertising purposes. There are a lot of instances abroad, but none in India yet

  2. Maybe one good approach is to look at all that the Internet can offer, may it be extremely precise targetting, use of mobile webcams, and so on...

    One very cool innovative advertising way: the new Ogilvy name campaign, on

    Everybody has to submit their Facebook profile picture and progressively the new name appears as the campaign is spread through people's Facebook profile... Crowd-advertising

  3. as discussed in class,these innovations can have applications in advertising innovative products and make them more memorable
    so, i think it'll be useful to do a relative cost-benefit study of the advertising techniques as well so that we can zone in on 2-3 techniques that will be used

  4. One thing to explore could be ads that could be made for 3D TV's since they are the future ..

  5. You can contact someone from the Euro RSCG or O&M to get deeper insights.


  6. hey there..
    came across this ad on youtube..its an alternative marketing tool..more for a social message!

    hope this will be helpful!

